Tuesday, November 13, 2012

North Port Public School Promotes LHFC School Hatchery

This was sent to me by Al & the Principal at North Port, very nice Yesterday I visited the 2 Kincardine School hatcheries. Water temperatures are all holding steady at 45 F. At the KTTPS school there were no dead eggs. At Huron Heights school there were 6 dead eggs which I removed. I am going to check Huron Heights again before the end of the week. Today Bob Greason and I looked at the Northport Central School in Port Elgin. Bob Greason is going to take over as the Club contact for this school which is fantastic. The temperature there was also steady at 45 F. There was 1 dead egg which we removed. We did a 20 minute talk to 5 seperate groups of school kids at Northport. There were probably a total of 200 kids altogether that ranged from grade 1 to grade 8. We had sample jars of milt, eyed eggs, newly hatched alevin, parr, alewives, lampreys and a mount of an adult chinook salmon. No 2 talks were exactly the same and we covered topics such as why the LHFC runs our hatcheries, what they can expect to see in their school hatchery over the next few months, and the life cycle of a chinook salmon. I only briefly touched on the topic of why there are Pacific salmon in Lake Huron. I was too close to be objective as to the success of the talks but the teachers seemed to be appreciative. It is very hard to talk to the younger kids. The sample jars and fish mount has been returned to which hatchery they came from. If anyone else wants to do a talk I can tell you where to get the particular sample you want. Al Wilkins http://www.nop.bwdsb.on.ca/ Thanx & Tight Lines Richard

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